Tach Hanno,                                  0x2B859DE3 (PGP-PK-ID)

Hanno Böck schrieb:
> I'm all for making more use of features like test and collision-protect,
> though in the past I noticed that many devs don't seem to care much. I
> even think to remember of bugs getting closed invalid with a "we don't
> care about"-comment. But if FEATURES="test" is considered more importand
> in the future, I'll continue bugging you with related bugs.

 I would also recommend all ATs not only FEATURES="collision-protect" but  
also to activated the test suites.  I normally report failing tests on all  
bugs I test (which are a few :), but these tests are sometimes to  
dependent on specific versions of other packages or the environment they  
nearly have no use.

> However I think we have a long way to go till we can even think of
> enabling it by default.



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