On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 19:34:27 +0200 Andrej Kacian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 18:42:27 +0200
> Robert Cernansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mpd (and xmms2) is just a server that is responsible for music playback,
> functionality such as xosd notification can be provided by clients, one
> Many xmms plugins I saw are frontend-related. This can be handled by
> MPD clients. One of main clients, gmpc, recently added plugin support,
> and already plugins for album covers or song lyrics are available.
> > Also I read that it is not possible to play file without addind it to
> > mpd's database.(?) It seems to be clumsy.
> This is mainly because mpd is designed to run remotely, i.e. not on
> your desktop - clients connect via TCP, so they have no idea about the
> filesystem on box where mpd runs.
> There are plans to allow this exact functionality via URIs in
> format: "file://".

So, I've tried mpd plus mpc, gmpc, glurp and kmp clients. I must say
I don't like it. _Mainly_ because that database thing - sorry but the
playlist management is worse than I expected. I want simply _freely_
browse my filesystem, pickup an .m3u file and play it.

I find it very limiting that I cannot play file from any
location. That I have to copy it to "music" directory and rebuild the
database. What about removable media?

Another big disadvantage is that it cannot play Audio CD's.

Behavior in multi-user environment is also bad. There is only one
daemon, so imagine that I'll take a break from my work, pause the
player, lock my screen and go to pub for an hour. Another user can log
in and work, and listen the music. But he will have loaded same
playlist, paused as I left it. So he loads its own and listen, but it
will break also my player status and when I return, I'll find his
playlist in my player.

Sure, it can be solved by running separate instance of mpd by user but
then it is too complicated way just to play music.

In general, I thing there is no really good client for mpd. I can
imagine that it is possible to start mpd by client, transparently for
user. That this database disadvantages can be hidden by a client so
work with files will be easy and straightforward like in xmms. That it
will have plugin support and more features so things like xosd, handy
disk-writer plugin, effect plugins, tag editing,... will not be

Many features are planned, but it takes time to get into real life.

Btw, something like effect plugin (for example voice removal) belongs
to server or client?

> Also, mpd has gapless output by default, iirc.

It does not wor for me, gaps are there. I only found Crossfade option
in kmp client.


Robert Cernansky

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