On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 21:43:16 +0000 (UTC)
"Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's a laugh! Problem is that no devs seem to get approved in a
> timely fashion. And, any potential devs would be rather turned off by
> the goings on here. You guys seem to try and stifle innovation at
> every turn -- trying to turn Gentoo into GLEPtoo. Instead of
> progress, you have arguments. Instead of innovation, you have
> arguments. Instead of new blood, you lose people.

Hi, not so. I've just joined on as a dev, my recruitment process
happened in a timely fashion. After I passed all my quizzes, I became a
dev. I think we also had at least 3 other new folks in the past few
weeks, and maybe 1 person leaving.

While getting fresh blood is a good thing, you've gotta be sure that
the new blood is up to snuff. That takes some time. There's nothing to
stop them from contributing before they're "official." Hey, look at
what the other Summer of Code-ers and I did over the past few months.
Some of us have become devs, others haven't, but we all made sizable
contributions to Gentoo development.

Mike Kelly

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