On Saturday 23 September 2006 09:14, Brian Harring wrote:
> You're assuming that after the merge of the pkg that breaks
> compatibility, building is actually _still_ possible for the depends.

of course i am; i just said that portage would make sure to not unmerge any 
ABI lib still in use

> We don't classify our deps as actual build depends vs link depends; as
> such trying to (essentially) "patch things up after" allow for the
> scenario where merging breaks the toolchain, thus building isn't
> possible.

huh ?  RDEPEND is linktime ... see my statement above

> >  - once all the packages requested have been merged, you start the second
> > phase and calculate everything that needs to be rebuilt.  as ABI libs are
> > no longer needed on a system, portage can scrub them out
> "as ABI libs are no longer needed on a system", phrasing of that
> implies you're suggesting that portage should leave the older package
> in place till it's updated all revdeps, then wipe it.

no i am not; read my previous e-mails where i said it would leave behind the 1 
ABI lib required ... aka whatever is encoded in SONAME

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