On Saturday 23 September 2006 10:24, Alin Nastac wrote:
> I see only libraries in NEEDED and it is probably generated
> automatically. There is no way for the automatic tools to discover the
> dependency between pptpd and ppp version.

that gets back to ABI versus dynamic plugins ... we already know we'll need a 
new DEPEND to track dlopen-ed plugins

> Besides, even if I would have somehow /usr/lib/ppp/2.4.3 in NEEDED file
> of the pptpd, the amount of computation needed to discover which package
> offers such thing would be prohibitive. The reciprocal operation (find
> which packages use the old path before upgrade) would also be prohibitive.

no it wouldnt ... when you merge a package, you record all the SONAME's it 
scanelf -qRS "${D}" > SONAME

in fact, running `scanelf -qlpRS` doesnt take that long on my machine

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