To facilitate the maintenance of the java-gnome packages (ie libgtk-java, libgnome-java, and company), I've created a new eclass. There are currently seven packages which would be able to use this, and the number is expected to increase as the java-gnome project adds more bindings.

The initial motivation for this came when I was cleaning up and migrating these packages to the new Java eclasses. As I was going along, I kept changing my mind about how to best package them... and each time I did, I would have to update 7 ebuilds. It got silly after awhile, so I sat down to make an eclass in order to make it trivial to maintain the actual packages with all the heavy lifting in the eclass.

The eclass can be seen at:

A package using it:

I would like to add this to the tree this weekend, and consequently bump java-gnome up to 2.14.3 which was released recently.

Joshua Nichols
Gentoo/Java Project Lead
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