On Sat, 14 Oct 2006, Benjamin Judas wrote:
Hello folks,

I took the decision to reanimate "Project Dolphin". Dolphin was an
experimental minimal CD similar to Grmbl aimed at semi-professionals and
professionals to help repair broken systems or minimize data-loss.

Opposites to the official Gentoo-Minimal-CDs it contained more software and
also a working gcc (the idea behind that was to provide a quickly available
distcc-host by simply bootng any additional machines in a network with the
dolphin CD).

Hmm.. what about a minimal-media like system which could exploit unionfs and provide similar functionality to DSL (Damn Small Linux)?

I came to enjoy the DSL extensibility, yet, as a gentoo user/veteran feel that their packaging system is done, well, not right.

If a minimal system provided tools usually expected from Gentoo installation (portage/sandbox), it might be able to merge binary packages outside the core configuration into tmpfs, as well as be able to build new packages to tailor everyone's specific needs.

It is well within the spirit of Gentoo, as it will offer the users the
ultimate flexibility, and it can be implemented by freezing the portage tree for the release which was used to build the core packages.

imagine users just putting binary packages onto "mygentoo/" directory on liveCD/liveUSB, as well as being able to build new packages, limited only in the amount of RAM availiable, as the binaries would be unpacked there.

And, equally easily, a user could take the running system and repack new readonly squashfs store from large packages they wish to keep on their media

Such specialized livemedia could be useful for advanced users trying to setup gentoo-based multimedia kiosks, demonstrations etc.

Tomasz Mloduchowski,
MIT Media Lab: Tangible Media Group
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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