i just noticed mx2.gentoo.org isnt responding on port 25, shouldnt it be? defeats the purpose of backup MX if its not respond :)


On 10/26/06, Grant Goodyear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ciaran McCreesh wrote: [Wed Oct 25 2006, 11:17:09AM CDT]
> On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:48:57 -0500 Grant Goodyear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | (Incidentally, I apologize for missing the meeting.  I was in
> | intensely boring radiation safety training.)
> Uh, isn't boring a good thing when it comes to things involving
> radiation?

Yes, when you're handling actual nukes (nuclear sources).  No, when it's
the fourth eight-hour day of explaining how the keys to nuclear safety
are distance (farther is better, and exposure is an inverse square law),
time (shorter is better), and shielding (more is better, and use plastic
or water to stop neutrons, not lead).

Meanwhile, I received this reply to my e-mail well before the actual
e-mail.  Anybody know what's causing these e-mail issues?  Now that we
have trustees in place, would ordering new boxes help?

Grant Goodyear
Gentoo Developer
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