On Saturday 28 October 2006 08:11, George Shapovalov wrote:

> Which is exactly why these are disallowed. Or at least that was the
> original intention, which (unfortunately) was not enforced strong enough.
> But then, given that we started with *no herds at all*, I don't see how it
> would be possible to realistically enforce from the beginning. Now it looks
> like we are actually strating to "get there". Besides, there is no
> "no-herd" tag, no matter what excuses people putting it in the metadata
> come up with.

Being the one who came up with the no-herd tag I'd like to explain things a 
bit. Basically when we started there were no herds and packages didn't belong 
to them. It was agreed that every package should be put in a herd, but also 
that metadata.xml files were to be added and their existence enforced by 
repoman. This enforcing was easy so it happened before it could be expected 
that all maintained packages (they needed metadata.xml files) could have 
found themselves a herd. Then I thought it is better to temporarilly allow 
adding no-herd than to have everyone come up with his own version of the 
same. I should have remembered that there is nothing as permanent as a 
temporary solution.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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