On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 23:00:04 -0400
Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 28 October 2006 22:43, Marius Mauch wrote:
> > Well, I'd go further and question the whole herd concept. What
> > benefits do we actually gain by having "herds"? For the most part
> > it's just a way to associate a package with a mail alias, but for
> > that I don't really see the need for this layer of indirection. It
> > actually creates problems by itself as the herd data ("members" in
> > herds.xml) gets out of sync with the mail data (alias members),
> > then there is the (mostly historical) issue of having two copies of
> > the same file getting out of sync, the permanent confusion of
> > herds, herd maintainers and projects, and the problem just shown by
> > Alec. So are there any other benefits in having herds as opposed to
> > just adding a
> > <maintainer><email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email></maintainer>
> > element to metadata.xml and getting rid of the complete herds
> > concept?
> just because you're on the alias doesnt mean you want to be
> responsible for the packages in the herd

So if now you're on a herd alias but not listed in herds.xml for a herd,
what practical difference does it make if the herd exists or not?


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