On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 06:18:26PM +0100, Jakub Moc wrote:
> Sure I did... Could you tell me why should we accumulate broken and
> vulnerable junk in the tree for years? (Outdated ebuild A depends on
> junky outdated ebuild B which depends on crappy, unsupported ebuilds C,
> D and E which... )

Thats not the maintainer's problem but the Arch Team's problem so they
are the ones that decide what to do.

> Either keyword it in a reasonable time or you'll lose the keyword, damn
> simple... Can't do it in X months? Sorry, too bad for your arch, the
> package is gone and users will rant (or they won't, and then you don't
> need the keywords in the first place).

No. Arch Teams manage their keywords the way _they_ want not the way YOU
or others that don't work on arch teams want.

It is actually *that* simple.

- ferdy

Fernando J. Pereda Garcimartín
Gentoo Developer (Alpha,net-mail,mutt,git)
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