Roy Marples <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Tue, 07 Nov
2006 10:50:21 +0000:

>> I'm using that now and hope to keep it. I went with the suggested 
>> size=2m (tmpfs). df says 184KB used, so that's quite big enough and then
>> some, but on Linux the free space isn't actually allocated until it's no
>> longer free space, so no matter. Are you saying the BSDs would allocate
>> and therefore remove from further use the full 2MB, no way around it, even
>> if only 148KB is actually used?
> Which demonstrates that you don't know about tmpfs as you don't specify any 
> size for it - it just uses what it needs.

I think we talked past each other on this. =8^(  tmpfs uses what it needs,
yes, but the size specified is the max-size, according to mount's manpage.
In fact, I believe it was you that pointed out to me back during the
parallel thread on 1.12 or whatever that one of the advantages of tmpfs
over the "lighter" memory-fs types was precisely that -- that it allowed
such specifications, as I was using the lighter versions at the time, but
ultimately "saw the light" and decided that full tmpfs, with a size-limit,
was a bit more sensible in a scenario of restricting a run-away process
eating up all available file (and therefore memory if ramfs without such a
limit) space, if it's unrestricted.

BTW, having just looked it up, tmpfs default size is half of memory,
according to the mount manpage.  I hadn't realized/remembered that, and
had thought it was basically unlimited if unspecified, so I'm glad you
prompted me to look it up again.  =8^)  Anyway, I always set a (max) size
on my tmpfs mounts, 2m on svcdir as I said, 50m on /dev/shm (which has
PORTAGE_TMPFS pointed at it), and 5g on /tmp (out of 8 gig total real
memory so even in a runaway scenario I'd have 3 gig of real memory
reserved for system use, PORTAGE_TMPDIR and PKG_TMPDIR pointed at this one).

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