Hi everybody,

Over in infra, some of us have been working hard (see also the recent
anonymous CVS and SVN services), and we're now ready for public testing
on another milestone...

The shiny new bugstest.gentoo.org! We're opening it up for all testers
as of this email. It is current up the 14th of November, so I would also
like to encourage everybody searching for existing bugs to use it. It
should scale much better than the existing BugZilla setup.

This testing period will last for 2-4 weeks, depending on how stable the
setup of bugstest turns out to be. Then we can hopefully roll out the
new Bugzilla for production use in time for Christmas!

1. Point your browser at http://bugstest.gentoo.org
2. Continue as normal
3. When you find a problem, file a bug in the real bugzilla
http://bugs.gentoo.org/, directed to infra, with 'bugstest' in the

Notable elements:
- Newer version of Bugzilla from upstream.
- Much more database horse-power.
- Automatic failover between database machines.
- A much better backup system - that shouldn't cause a major hiccup at
  night - 5 seconds of non-availability, and then 5-8 minutes of a
  slightly delay on one of the database machines.

Misc Notes:
- email is disabled, so nobody gets spammed by any attempted mass changes.
- I suspect there might be one or two UTF8 problems lurking. Look on the
  main bugzilla for entries that use UTF8 in the summary and the
  comments, and compare them to the entries in bugstest.

Thanks to kingtaco, myself, ramereth, solar, jforman and cshields for
all playing a part of getting this together so far!

Robin Hugh Johnson
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