On Friday 24 November 2006 11:16, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
> Although I committed it originally almost a year ago, it hasn't been
> used yet, so if there's anything fundamentally wrong with whole thing,
> now is the time say as it can be removed with impunity.

some suggestions:

you should use "$@" rather than $*

looks like every use of ${f} should be quoted

full paths to paxctl/chpax/scanelf seem pretty lame to me, especially since 
not having /sbin and /usr/bin in $PATH while executing portage code would 
never work

use 'type -p prog > /dev/null' rather than '[[ -x /full/path/prog ]]'

host-is-pax() { grep -qs ^PaX: /proc/self/status ; }

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