On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 14:03:08 -0500
Chris Gianelloni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is used to mask the package, correct.  When a package is masked, it
> gives the output of the license, or, if the license it too large (I
> think Marius set it at 20K) informs the user to read the license file.
> It also explains to the user that they will need to read and accept the
> license.

The limit was at 2k, however I've dropped that feature before I updated the 
GLEP as it would only cover about 35% of the licenses in the tree (the rest are 
>2k) and it would have major issues with non-plaintext licenses (and there are 
a few licenses using pdf, html or other formats), so now emerge will only refer 
the user to the licenses file by printing the filename (still need to decide 
if/how to account for licenses in overlays).

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