On Sat, 16 Dec 2006 11:16:25 +0200
Petteri Räty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Upstream for net-misc/cidr has disappeared (their homepage has been dead
> > for a long long time according to archive.org), and a cursory check on
> > the Internets doesn't yield a new home.  Masked accordingly, pending
> > removal on 2006-12-25 - 14 days time.
> > 
> > Take this as an invitation to raise objections. ;)
> > 
> > Best,
> > Elfyn
> >   
> Why do against the standard policy of 30 days?

Because it's christmas on 25th. :)

Andrej "Ticho" Kacian <ticho at gentoo dot org>
Gentoo Linux Developer - net-mail, antivirus, sound, x86

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