Hi folks,

the bug 139243 shows an possible problem in the init.d system:
it stores the service status in /var/lib/init.d/started and
of course refuses to start an certain service if its already
there (at least if "zap" not given).

This is okay, as long as services don't die abnormally, as my
ntpd did in bug 139243 - in this case init.d thinks it's already
running and so of course refuses to start it.

The main problem is that init.d relies on its own status flag,
but does not check any pidfile and so has wrong information.

Is there already any way for telling it to use some pidfile ?
The files in /var/lib/init.d/deamons already contain pidfiles,
so this could be used.

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service - http://www.metux.de/
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