Jakub Moc wrote:
> Alec Warner napsal(a):
>> Jakub Moc wrote:
>>> Danny van Dyk napsal(a):
>>>> which breaks the metadata cache. Any objections to change it
>>>> to
>>>>   SLOT=0
>>> As noted on the relevant bug [1], the eclass is a complete no-op and
>>> nothing can be installed using this eclass (has been so for quite some
>>> time). Fixing it doesn't make sense, making it dummy or even removing it
>>> (plus the unusable single ebuild which inherits it) does.
>>> [1] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=162960
>> And we already told you, removing it isn't a good solution (even if it
>> technically works within the bounds of the current api).  The bug is
>> that the SLOT invalidates cache entries and it's trivial to fix.
> The eclass is not trivial to fix, to be fixed, this eclass would require
> a complete rewrite from scratch. There's no usable ebuild for this
> eclass and the eclass is completely moot. Still fail to see what are you
> trying to fix as opposed to removing a broken non-functional cruft from
> the tree.

See the bug?  It says 'slot is being set to $KV, which breaks the
metadata cache.  Also, portage may fail to set $KV to a valid slot value
(typically 0) and thus the package may end up with SLOT="" which is also

Thats what we are trying to fix.

The fact that the eclass sucks balls is irrelevant, I could say the same
of a dozen other old as hell eclasses.  But they remain in the tree, as
will this one.
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