On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 02:24:49PM -0800, Mike Doty wrote:
> 1.  re-elect a whole new council.

Seems to be overkill to me.

> 2.  elect a new member at a reduced term to fill the vacancy.

Personally i'd rather go with #3, but the GLEP also states: 
> If a council member who has been marked a slacker misses any further
> meeting (or their appointed proxy doesn't show up), they lose their
> position and a new election is held to replace that person. The newly
> elected council member gets a 'reduced' term so that the yearly
> elections still elect a full group.

Seems to be the closest case to a member simply resigning with the
slacker regulation.

> 3.  take the 8th spot from the last election.

Seems to be the best - and least complicated - version to me.

4. The position stays empty until the next election (As long the
   number of council members doesn't drop below a certain number,
   let's say 5.

Just adding this as it may be an option, too.

> The spirit of the GLEP would indicate option 2, but it's never spelled
> out.  Speak out now if you have a opinion on the subject.

Agreed, personally i'd go with #2.


Wernfried Haas (amne) - amne at gentoo dot org
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