On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 17:35 +0100, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> On Friday 16 February 2007, Grant Goodyear wrote:
> > So, is there support among devs for hosting another round of Summer
> > students?  Are there good problems for those students to work on, and,
> > if so, what are they?  Were people happy with how last year's program
> > went, or should we try to do something different?  For what it's worth,
> > I think GSOC is worth putting our effort into, but I'd also like to see
> > projects that at least have the potential to benefit more of the
> > community than just Gentoo.  *Shrug*
> Although last summer I wasn't too involved in the process (I was backup 
> mentor 
> for a couple of projects, but there was no need for a backup mentor for any 
> of them, and I also passed the august offline), I did think with myself of a 
> few issues with what SoC did for Gentoo (and the other way around too).
> Out of the 14 projects listed in [1], these are the (public) results:
> - I don't know of any GUI frontend to baselayout;
> - Antarus's work on CVS migration produced some interesting results, but as 
> we 
> know, the migration isn't possible just yet;
> - blubb's etc-update replacement is sort of complete, I wasn't able to get it 
> to work yet, but at least blubb is still around;
> - Gentoo/FreeBSD/AMD64 port is deadish, Victor disappeared for what I can 
> tell, there weren't many patches that were followed till merge, and there's 
> no near hope to get amd64-fbsd working in short time;
> - I have no clue what's going on with gentoo-stats;
> - Pioto's dynusers (now creandus, I think) is still work in progress, since 
> starting, pioto became a dev;
> - I have no clue what's going on with the web-based GuideXML frontend;
> - JACK support hasn't moved a bit, if possible it became worse because of 
> bitrot, as the student dropped off;
> - I have no clue what's going on with NetworkManager, but it might actually 
> have seen some work on it, considering it's now in portage, but 
> metalgod/steev would probably know better;
> - I don't know what happened to qaludis, nor I care to be honest as it's an 
> external project;
> - I don't know what happened to pkgcore, nor I care to be honest as it's an 
> external project;
> - Alex completed Gentoo/FreeBSD port of Sandbox, although Martin disappeared 
> and thus we're forced to unmask sandbox on our profiles for now, and in the 
> mean time he also fixed some FreeBSD bugs;
> - I have no clue what's going on with SCIRE;
> - I have no clue what's going on with the Xorg configuration too.
> I admit I cannot of course judge all the progress, as you can see I have no 
> clue on about half the projects, but that also means there wasn't a big new 
> feature or fix that everybody knows about.
> So maybe, the targets we put were too much fuzzy, and difficult to achieve. 
> Of 
> course there's also the big unknown of the students, that we can't easily 
> judge if we don't know them.
> This covers one point, but what most interest me to point out is that we have 
> a real low conversion of developers. What I found interesting in the Summer 
> of Code initiative was the ability to find new developers for a project, 
> people that wouldn't have been involved in open sources projects otherwise.
> We enrolled as "students" four Gentoo developers, and only one of the 
> remaining ten students was converted into a dev.

Actually, I believe we gained four new developers as a result of Summer
of Code last year...

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