On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 03:51:42PM -0600, Jim Ramsay wrote:
> gkrellm-plugin_pkg_setup() {
>       if [[ -z "${PLUGIN_NO_XCHECK}" ]] && 
>               ! built_with_use app-admin/gkrellm X; then
>               eerror "This plugin requires the X frontend of gkrellm."
>               eerror "Please re-emerge app-admin/gkrellm with USE=\"X\""
>               die "Please re-emerge app-admin/gkrellm with USE=\"X\""
>       fi
> }

This is basically horrible nitpicking, but perhaps point at
package.use here to prevent people from doing USE=X emerge gkrellm on
the commandline (prevents accidentally remerging gkrellm with -X and
breaking stuff later and all that)?

does not quite mention this specifically, and is a bit long to link to
anyway, or I'd say link to that in the message)


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