On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 04:54:33 -0400
Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i dont see why this is required ?  ignoring the fact that the wording
> is way too vague to do anything but cause confusion and people to
> spout long winded rants, seems like useless nitpicking about an issue
> that doesnt exist

Well, I believe one hypothetical situation which it would address would
be something like this:

Gentoo, for whatever reason, ends up relying upon $sponsor for, say,
two thirds of its hardware. $sponsor employs a Gentoo developer who has
certain political views that aren't in line with Gentoo policy. Said
developer uses his influence as an employee of $sponsor to get $sponsor
to say to the Council "either you change policy to say blah within a
month or we're going to stop sponsoring you".

Now, something like that, were it to happen, would put Gentoo in a very
tricky situation. The Council can't easily say no, since losing two
thirds of its hardware would effectively halt development. Equally,
however, it's not exactly a good idea for the Council to establish a
precedent of rushing through policy changes that most people don't want
because of outside pressure.

*shrug* I guess that's the intention behind the proposal, anyway. If it
is, I agree that Christel's wording isn't as clear as it could be...

Ciaran McCreesh

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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