On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 14:29 +0200, Vlastimil Babka wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-03-26 at 12:01 -0500, Mike Bonar wrote:
> >> Should we encourage more content to go into the wiki, expecially
> >> content that is likely to change over a short period of time?
> > 
> > Gentoo has no wiki.
> Not entirely true, project overlays on overlays.g.o can use the wiki on
> trac there. And at least we (Java) use it to hash out new stuff (that's
> exactly "content that is likely to change over a short period of time"),
> that can be later converted to guidexml (FAQs etc).

Gentoo has no wiki.

The Gentoo/Java project has one.  As do many other projects, including a
couple I'm on, but my previous statement is still true.

At any rate, it's just arguing semantics, where there's no need for it,
and all that does is cause tension, frustration and aggression.  Maybe
if we all were a little less likely to go around trying to prove
everybody else wrong by trying to dissect their wording and instead
focused on technological improvements of our distribution, we'd have
some really kick ass technology being created.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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