On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 18:17:32 +0100
Steve Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Except there are. Hence why we want EAPI 1 in the short term, not
> > several years from now. The stuff that will take longer can go into
> > a later EAPI.
> > 
> Man here we go again: I spend a lot of time helping and being helped
> by other gentoo users. *There has been no significant system b0rkage
> for nearly a year* *QA is getting better not worse* and *the gentoo
> development process works*
> You may have your issues with the gentoo dev team, but spreading this
> kinda FUD is outta line imo.

You don't know what QA problems EAPI 1 will solve, do you? It's not FUD
at all.

> 3 months for specification of EAPI 1 after a year for EAPI 0 is not
> exactly moving slowly. And there are clearly other viewpoints as to
> what is needed. Personally speaking, I'd like to find out what those
> are, as it's both instructive for me, and better for the distro I use.

We're not talking specification. We're talking implementation time.
Many of the things likely to be in EAPI 1 were needed years ago, and
the tree has huge problems as a result. The simplest example is the KDE
and Qt dependency hell that's come about as a result of not having slot

> If there really are problems with *portage* those are not your
> concern: Paludis users presumably don't get that kinda b0rkage so all
> you need to do is /wait/ and let the technical superiority of your
> product win the argument.

*Of course* Paludis users will get the same b0rkage that Portage users
do, since it's using the same ebuilds. Please refrain from contributing
if you don't understand the issues at hand.

Ciaran McCreesh

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