Matthias Langer wrote:
> Hmm, as an arch tester, i completely agree that packages where src_test
> fails are an annoyance. However, I would not suggest to activate
> src_test by default, as for normal users, it just introduces another
> source of potential defects, without that much benefits. Instead, i
> think that arch teams should refuse to stable packages that fail with
> FEATURES=test and thus encourage ebuild developers to either fix their
> tests, or to deactivate them explicitly.
That makes a lot of sense. How about exending it a tiny bit and asking for
it to be policy for all ebuilds EAPI=1 not to be allowed into stable
without RESTRICT=test, or a functional test suite on the arch in question?
The last bit would be automagically checked by the arch team, if the ebuild
has no RESTRICT=test, during normal stabilisation (I'd hope?) since the
build would fail.

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