On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 02:32:22AM +0200, Marius Mauch wrote:
> I'm sure I'm not the only one who knows a number of (enhancement) bugs
> that are fixable, but the assignee doesn't have the motivation to come
> up with a solution, but would look at and eventually include a
> user-submitted patch for it. Currently those would either be left open
> forever or closed as WONTFIX which isn't compeltely accurate. Therefore
> I propose a new bugzilla resolution NEEDPATCH so we're not stuck with
> tons of open bugs that might never be closed (or get closed with a
> somewhat incorrect resolution). It might also give people who want to
> help a simpler target instead of browsing through all open bugs and
> trying to find one where a user can work on.
I think a keyword might be more useful, as at least with my bugs, I'd
like to keep them open myself - if the user doesn't provide a patch,
it's still something that I'd get around to doing eventually.

I specifically want my bugs to stay open, and be easily visible as to
why I've kept them open.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Council Member
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