Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Jun 2007 09:33:29 -0700
> Mike Doty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The problem is not so much the system as a small number of the
>>> proctors. Perhaps it should be restaffed with people who aren't so
>>> used to wielding god-like powers on the forums, where anyone who
>>> dares say anything that disagrees with a small clique's collective
>>> views can be banned permanently with no accountability.
>> Thanks for your wonderful insight, No one had any idea the proctors
>> were a group with no accountability.  When the council reviews
>> everything they've done in the past month, we're just joking around.
> That wasn't what I said. What I said was that the forums staff have no
> accountability, and that the proctors were suffering as a result of
> containing too many of said forums staff.
> Perhaps you should take the time to read things properly before
> attempting sarcasm...
Perhaps you should go take a long walk off a short pier.
>> Back to reality, go take a long walk off a short pier.
> So now you're not content with filing hypocritical devrel bugs
> complaining of people swearing in places you yourself regularly swear,
> and are escalating the thread to ad hominem? (Note that it isn't ad
> hominem if the claims are relevant to the matter at hand, so this
> thread was previously ad hominem free.)
Oh, I'm so hurt.  You think I'm a hypocrite.  Man, what will I ever do?
Newsflash, I know I'm a hypocrite, which is a lot better than the
childish passive-aggressive asshole you are.

Mike Doty                      kingtaco -at-
Gentoo Council
Gentoo Infrastructure
Gentoo/AMD64 Strategic Lead
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