Hi all,

welcome to the second issue of the irregular metadata.xml check.

Did you know that only 16% of all packages in the tree do not belong to 
any herd (ie. <herd>no-herd</herd>). Nevertheless, as no-herd is not a 
nice place to be, perhaps your herd can adopt a package or two. If you 
get really lucky you even get a dev with the deal - for free!

Herds with no email

As robbat2 points out, in order to allow for automatic bug assignment all 
herds need to have an email address. The following herds do not have an 
email address specified in herds.xml.

herd without email: comm-fax
herd without email: dev-tools
herd without email: haskell
herd without email: common-lisp
herd without email: secure-tunneling
herd without email: ia64-kernel
herd without email: middle-east
herd without email: arm
herd without email: lang-misc
herd without email: s390
herd without email: sh


Total number of packages:                    11684

metadata.xml missing                             0
<herd> missing                                   2
<herd> empty                                     0
<herd> unknown                                   0
<herd>=no-herd                                1887

<maintainer> missing                          6611
<maintainer> retired                             0
<maintainer> is a herd                        1300
<maintainer> unknown                           201
<maintainer>=maintainer-needed                 438

Proxy maintainer without gentoo association        13
Unmaintained packages                          602

As always, the full metadata-check.log is available from [1].
The script used to generate the log can be found at [2].

Feedback welcome.
Kind regards

[1] Full metadata-check.log
[2] Metadata checking script.

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