On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 14:35:42 +0200
Alexander Gabert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, you cannot expect me as a developer to listen to your
> continued rants and the problems you are creating.

I am not creating problems. I am pointing them out, in the hopes that
people will work to find solutions to them. Where I have a solution, I
also provide that.

> Talking to one person about something going wrong is worth the same 
> positive energy than talking to 3000.

So you're saying that Gentoo should move to a closed development model
where problems are buried rather than discussed in public?

> In the past you and me have made appearances at Gentoo by 
> unproportionally throwing mud at simple problems, trying to solve
> them with publicity and relentless bitching.  I have learned my
> lesson- you apparently did not.  Guess who is still with Gentoo and
> enjoying the people and their work for the distribution.

The difference between you and me is that you were wrong. You were
trying to recruit a developer who didn't use Gentoo, who knew
practically nothing about Gentoo, who deliberately failed the quiz and
who worked on one of your pet entirely non-Gentoo projects. Any lessons
you've learned from that only apply to other people who do equally
insane things.

Ciaran McCreesh

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