On 6/12/07, Alexander Gabert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There are others like him and there will be others after him. There were even people doing that before him.
As with trolls, theres more where they came for, but that doesn't make gentoo-ML 'different' to as to how we slay a troll. I agree with matthias. If somebody's a troll, then you ignore them, you make no attempt to reply to their post, and thus escape a massacre. Its just that some times people think that by _not_ replying to a trollish argument, that somehow the troll 'wins' . I figure, that this being a gentoo-dev room, most the people in here have their head screwed on and can know what a troll looks like when they see one, and act accordingly to the 'leave them alone and they'll go away' policy. Otherwise all your reply does is _guarantee_ they've won, because nothing you say or do about a troll, bar ignoring them, will make any good come to pass. Then either the troll will go away, or stop trolling. There will be some still who engage the troll at their own game, but that only means that person who competes with the troll only stands to make himself look bad, and maybe you could quietly hint to them somehow that 'this is a troll, this creates a flamewar, it'll all end in tears, Im not going to comment, I suggest you do the same'
Even this email is troll feeding because he will have witty conclusive dogmatism and ironic remarks he can spit back at me now. Feeding, feeding, feeding.
So really, you knowingly produced troll bait. This is what I'm saying we need to stop doing. Read our messages through, and when we discover 'this looks like troll bait' I think it would be best to re-orient it so its _not_ troll bait. -- Kent ruby -e '[1, 2, 4, 7, 0, 9, 5, 8, 3, 10, 11, 6, 12, 13].each{|x| print "enNOSPicAMreil [EMAIL PROTECTED]"[(2*x)..(2*x+1)]}' -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list