emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "archfs".

Perhaps a link to the homepage/ overlay might be handy? ;)

This is not "something that's about the technical development of our tree"
so it might be considered off-topic (interesting though it might be.) As a
general rule, the Unsupported Software forum is a good place to get
feedback from users til something is releasable. (Apologies if you've
already gone thru that process, just mention it and give the url in that
case.) At that point getting feedback from devs as to it's suitability for
inclusion is acceptable, aiui, although even then you're probably just
going to get told to get on #gentoo-sunrise (irc.freenode.org) and work on
getting it into the main overlay before it makes the portage tree. (Unless
ofc a dev wants to pick it up out of interest.)

BTW I don't recommend autotools (there's a reason they're called autohell ;)
especially if you're not writing from scratch. (That's why you get all
those redundant configure checks..) A simple system.mk which gets included
in the makefile is a lot easier for everyone. ion3 (which is now in mabi's
overlay iirc) does this, and it's a doddle to configure. (I think it was
one or two sed calls.)

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