On Tuesday 15 May 2007, Caleb Tennis wrote:
> > I think the preserve_old_libs thing might just be the hack we need here.
> It's been brought to my attention that a bad side effect from using the
> preserve_old_libs method is that if an intermediary library, like qt3, gets
> rebuilt then you end up having both expat libraries linked against the kde
> libraries at the same time which causes rather undesriable crashes. 
> Presumably this will affect GNOME in a similar fashion as well.

this is semi-incorrect

you cannot have 1 library linked both against libexpat.so.0 and libexpat.so.1

you can have 1 library linked against libexpat.so.0 while another library is 
linked against libexpat.so.1 and both of those libraries are linked against 
each other

looking at `ldd` output of one library and saying "oh, this is linked against 
libs X Y Z" is wrong.  ldd shows the entire library chain, not just direct 
dependencies.  the reason the gcc-3.3.x -> gcc-3.4.x transition allowed for 
one library to be linked against different libstdc++.so is due to having 
multiple libstdc++ archives with unique paths existing on the system at the 
same point.  that cannot happen with libexpat as it installs into the same 
path regardless of version.

so anyone who fails to run revdep-rebuild will have an inconsistent system, 
but i'd rather have people having some programs running freaky like and 
telling them they need to run revdep-rebuild than *every single user* having 
a completely unusable system (which is what we have now).

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