Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> On 06:22 Mon 24 Sep     , Thilo Bangert wrote:
>> also, perhaps the more common ones should additionally be converted to
>> repoman tests, if that is feasable.
> That might be reasonable for some cases, but it won't be perfect, and
> won't even be possible for many.
Which are the cases you (and others ofc) think it would be reasonable for?
> So far, the only one I've seen that might work well for is quoting
> around specific variables. You could do something like a grep for words
> containing '${+D[^[:alnum:]-_]' (haven't tested that, just beginnings of
> an idea) and the same for S and WORKDIR.
marienz mentioned something similar a few months ago, wrt allowing unquoted
expansions for specific vars that are used in eg for loops (like A or
SRC_URI) and not for any others.

ed(1) really is the tool to use for that -- g/RegEx/p does exactly what grep
does, and there's no compatibility issue for FreeBSD vs Linux. (It's also a
lot more capable than sed, and there really is no need for awk in this


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