Chris Gianelloni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, 2007-10-11 at 13:11 +0200, Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
>> The project has advanced far enough though that I feel it is a good
>> time point to declare this a real Gentoo project.
> Umm... why?  Why does a package need a project?  Is this not just a mail
> server?

Kolab currently consists of 6 central, Kolab specific packages and
requires patches to cyrus-imapd, c-client, and php. The server
provides an automatic configuration system that affects even more
packages (postfix, amavis etc.) In addition the server now works
together with the Horde groupware client which will also need
integration with the corresponding packages that currently exist
within Portage.

While I did manage the Kolab2/Gentoo outside of the tree for a long
time now, the fact that some central packages in the tree need
patching make the overlay approach rather messy in this case. So the
first task would be to coordinate with the corresponding herds in
order to get the patches into Gentoo in a clean fashion.

And I expect clean integration to take another one to two
years. Having a herd and an overlay would be very
beneficial. Especially for bug tracking.

> I don't mean any offense.  

No offense taken. This is of course open to discussion.

> I just want to know.  Why do we need to
> create a project, which should normally be reserved for wide-sweeping
> changes or things that require massive amounts of coordination?  Why is
> this not just a part of the net-mail herd?  It *is* a mail system, is it
> not?

It is a groupware server that has its central base in net-mail. It is
of course not going to be comparable to the major Gentoo projects but
definitely comparable in size to a project like webapps.

Since I have been working on this for two years now and know that it
will take the same amount of time again to get this into Gentoo so
that all parties are happy I think a project about this is
appropriate. There were also other devs interested so I expect this to
develop into more than a one persons project.

Thanks for your comments!



Gunnar Wrobel                    Gentoo Developer

IRC:  #gentoo-web at
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