On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 09:28:14PM +0100, Bruno wrote:
> E.g when looking at categories only the first 'n' items are show and there is 
> no mention on the total count.
> At a minimum it should display something like:
>    showing packages 1-29 out of 127
> on page bottom with note that page browsing still has to be implemented.
There won't be page browsing, mainly because of the heavy caching used.
(if somebody wrote an SQL layer over memcached, there is a lot that
would be simpler)

In any view, the default mode is the most recent $count packages.
If you go to any category, there is a right bar link for
'category-full', that gives you an entire category, ordered

> As mentionned by Ryan the positionning of the logo is quite inappropriate. 
> Would it be possible to set a min-width CSS tag on the left column that would 
> match the width of the logo in order to prevent the unwanted overlapping?
> I assume it's quite common to have pretty small fonts in order to get more 
> text visible without scrolling...
Having small fonts isn't common, at least not amongst folk that I've
directly observed in usability testing. Having text at sizes that don't
strain the eyes is more common.
CSS 'min-width' isn't usable, because it interferes with the rest of the
layout, and the folks with tiny fonts then have a massive gap between
their text, and the middle column.
What the actual solution is, is a narrower logo. I've been
asking and looking, but have not yet found, a version of the logo
without the spotlight effect on the background.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
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