Marius Mauch wrote:
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 16:59:28 -0500
Doug Klima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since it doesn't appear the question was answered by the last thread.
I'm starting a new thread.

The only sane solution I can think of is that eclasses shouldn't be
allowed to change EAPI, but use conditionals to behave differently if
needed. Mixing two (or more) different arbitrary EAPIs isn't going to
work as after the inital parsing package managers will only see the
last EAPI value anyway. Also there is no guarantee that future EAPI
versions will be backwards compatible, so if eclasses could have an
EAPI version it would eventually require that all packages using it
need the same EAPI version (similar for nested inheritance).

It's trivial to let inherit check that an eclass doesn't modify EAPI, and adding the conditional code to eclasses isn't difficult either:


if [ -z "$EAPI" ]; then
    inherit foo-eapi0
case "$EAPI" in
        inherit foo-eapi0
        inherit foo-eapi1_2
        eerror "foo.eclass: unsupported EAPI value $EAPI"

# EAPI independent code here

Obviously instead of specific eclasses one could also inline the
relevant code. The only two issues I see in this concept are the
eventual multiplication of eclasses and the lack of proper error
handling for unsupported EAPIs.


PS: Yes, this idea has been mentioned in the old thread as well

This again leads to in a sense, code duplication due to the fact that you have to have several different versions of the code for each EAPI. When you could simply have $pkg_manager execute an eclass as 1 EAPI, another eclass as another and the ebuild as a third EAPI and simplify it for the eclass maintenance.

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