On Wed, 2007-12-12 at 11:11 -0500, Doug Klima wrote:
> William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
> Why don't you step up and offer to help maintain this?

If your asking me, because I am already over committed. I can't be in
all places doing all things. Plus in this regard I am just a user, and
we should not require devs to step up and maintain every package they
use. Usually it's polite for other devs to look out there if they are
maintaining a package that regular users much less other devs use.

Specific to Doug, like in the case of Firebird if you made a good case
for needing 1.5.x back in tree. I would likely oblige, despite my own
opinion and removing it. To try to be cooperative with other devs and
not force them to maintain a version of a package that I am maintaining
other versions of.

>  If I was Alon, I
> wouldn't want to do maintain both just cause you wanted me to.

Well if you have read his past posts. He already stated he plans to
leave that version in tree, and will maintain it.


"gpg-1.X series will be available as long as upstream maintain it."

It's just a matter of the two being able to co-exist. Not maintained.
Nothing I have seen so far says anything about 1.x versions being
removed and not maintained. We are just talking slots.

>  It
> increases maintenance load and work he has to do and since he's a
> volunteer it's all about scratching his personal itch, since this
> doesn't for him.. why should he do it. Clearly it gives you an itch, so
> setup up and offer to help maintain.

This is not a maintenance issue. Just a slotting issue. I would slot,
but he would likely reverse my changes. I have no interest in a tug and
war co-maintenance of a package.

Plus Alon does seem to be doing good work. It's just the stubbornness
over slots I don't understand at all. So there is little for me to
contribute or do.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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