Ciaran McCreesh ha scritto:
> On Thu, 27 Dec 2007 18:03:27 +0000
> Roy Marples <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Using your analogy you should then recognise that there is a strong
>> dislike for pink and should seek a new colour that allows the building
>> of said extensions.
> And what colour would that be? We've already ruled out purple, brown
> and yellow, and no-one has yet found any other colour of paint.
sorry if this has already suggested.
my idea is to use shebang; the advantage in using shebang is that file
doesn't need to be sourced or parsed by complex algorithms in order to
extract the necessary information.

an example:

  #!/usr/bin/ebuild eapi=1
  # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
  # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
  # $Header: $
  DESCRIPTION="My EAPI-1 ebuild"

shebang's synopsis would look something like:

  #!<interpreter> [key=value] [key=value] [...]

1) it's standard. shell scripts use it. why ebuilds shouldn't?
2) it's easy to parse:
  eval `head -n1 $ebuild | cut -d\  -f2-`; echo $eapi
3) in the future, for any other situation analogous to this, you could
add another key=value to the ebuild's shebang
4) easily checked by repoman


just my two Eurocents.
since now you can bite me ;-)

#include <stdio.h>

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