On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 16:39 +0200, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
> On 1/1/08, Roy Marples <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > It took me some time to find /etc/conf.d/modules, but it's certainly
> > > useful :).
> >
> > It also means all config files, with the exceptions of fstab and rc.conf
> > are in conf.d and not some random dir :)
> Took me a while too... Some ChangeLog documentation should be available.
> Also I think this is a regression:
> # update-modules
> /sbin/update-modules: line 118: KV_to_int: command not found
> /sbin/update-modules: line 118: KV_to_int: command not found
> /sbin/update-modules: line 263: is_older_than: command not found

Those functions were removed from functions.sh as only update-modules
still uses them. udev does use KV_to_int though. I don't really want to
add those functions back. Although we could trivially add is_older_than
as a C applet built into rc.

> And I think there is a circular dependency of:
> openrc->init-module-tools->baselayout->openrc

Quite possibly. I'm sure some bright spark can actually say what's wrong
before it hits portage.

> I did not understand the comments in rc.conf regarding the external
> dependency...
> # It's possible to define extra dependencies for services like so
> #rc_config="/etc/foo"
> #rc_need="openvpn"
> #rc_use="net.eth0"
> #rc_after="clock"
> #rc_before="local"
> How can I add a specific service dependency using this mechanism? The
> modified service name is missing...

They're supposed to belong in /etc/conf.d/$SVCNAME
Maybe you could suggest better wording?

I suppose we could also allow
rc_$SVCNAME_$depend to work, for example


> I also notice that the timezone of clock is gone, any alternative?
> Also the network dependency of stopping/starting services when network
> is unavailable/available is gone, any alternative?

The timezone was variable was just a hack for the timezone ebuild to
update /etc/localtime if it's not a symlink. I'm striving to remove all
"Gentooisms" from it so that it really is platform neutral.



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