Hello Ciaran!

What's the proper fix for when keyword requests stagnate in
That depends upon whether the keyword request is important.

Let's take a real world example: KDE 3.5.5 is old, buggy and has some important issues which won't be fixed anymore.

At first, this wasn't too important, so we did what you suggested:

If it isn't, you wait for the arch team to get around to it.

Nothing happened for months.

If it is (and legitimately so

I hope you'll accept it when I say that 3.5.5 is such a legitimate case now.

you ask the arch team to prioritise it, explaining why.

We did this. We asked on Bugzilla, by mail, I explained it in #gentoo-mips and in /queries. Nothing happened for months.

What would you suggest to do now? I think we've done all we could short of the following:

a) Drop all keywords but those of mips. Leaves mips and, more importantly, its users with a vulnerable and unmaintained set of packages.

b) package.mask 3.5.5 with a big, fat warning and let the users decide. Same drawbacks as a).

c) Drop 3.5.5 from the tree. The cleanest but most radical solution. If mips' users want KDE, they would have to bug (sic!) the mips team.

The solution I favour by far is c). What's your suggestion or did I miss any other viable solution? Just doing nothing is not an option here, I'd say, but state your case.

Best regards, Wulf

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