About portage:

Current status:
The portage project is mostly fine, though we've missed my original
plan to release the first 2.2 test versions last year, mostly because
of lack of time on my part. I hope we can fix that within the next two
or three months.
As Paul has already mentioned, the tools-portage subproject definitely
needs more people, or we may just dissolve it completely (it has been a
one man show for some time already). Some people to help with
(technical) documentation would also be useful (manpages, docbook
stuff, ...)

- release test versions of portage-2.2, see how all the new stuff works
in practice and adjust things if necessary
- help to fix external tools (including gentoolkit) and documentation to
fully support portage-2.2
- some ideas for the time after 2.2:
  * merge gentoolkit into portage
  * redesign some of the old APIs (dbapi, config) and implement new
ones (query framework)
  * replace revdep-rebuild with a package set
  * implement a new installed-package database
  * new dep resolver (as always ;)
  * new user interface(s)
  * ...

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