On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 05:37:15PM +0100, Torsten Rehn wrote:
> <+jakub> scel: basically... instead of KEYWORDREQ/STABLEREQ
> <+jakub> create keywording and stabilization components
> <+jakub> and use flags accordingly there
> <+jakub> bugzilla already has the features, why not use them
> <+jakub> also, nuke things like TESTED and STABLE
As the Bugzilla admin, this sounds reasonable, and it plays into some of
my plans wrt to Bugzilla3. In that, depending on some bits with Bugzie3,
I'd like to consider a radical re-arrangement of Products and
Components, to help users find the right place to file stuff, and also
reduce some of the needless complexity that we have.

As a short-list quickly on products:
- Demote the 'Bugzilla' product down to a component under the
  'Infrastructure' product.
- Demote 'Mirrors' to a component under 'Infrastructure'.
- Promote the components under 'Gentoo Hosted Projects' to Products of
  their own, to enable them to have their own components (I can see
  several of them benefiting from this).
- Merge the Admin product to the Infrastructure product.

Beyond the product stuff, I have a tracker bug here for the Bugzilla3
If you have a feature request, open a bug, and link it to the tracker.

The bugstest.g.o side will go up soon either with Bugzilla3.0.3 or a CVS
snapshot of 3.2 (which was supposed to have a release candidate already,
but isn't available yet).

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
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