excerpted below, on  Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:49:23 +0200:

> Duncan a écrit :
>> Whatever your faults, you /do/
>> tend to be quite accurate on such things.
> Wow, you've managed to turn a nice technical discussion (which is rare
> enough in recent history) into a let's-start-bashing-people thread.
> You've lost all credibility in just one sentence... Pity.

Thanks, someone, for mailing me offlist about this.  I'm incredibly sorry 
it was apparently taken negatively, as I had an entirely different 
meaning in mind, but it obviously didn't come thru as I intended.

I'm not sure I can explain without inserting my foot even further into my 
mouth, but I'll try.  I was intending to acknowledge the potential wound 
but communicate my respect for the person and the technical expertise and 
appreciation for fineness of detail I've repeatedly seen him 
demonstrate.  Unfortunately, it seems I screwed up big time and that's 
not the way it came out; rather than respect, it seemed like dissing.

So I unconditionally apologize for screwing up.  Again, thanks for 
rightfully pointing that out, and thanks as well to the person that 
notified me and tried to help.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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