Benedikt Morbach schrieb:

I'm a user too and I really find it annoying that one can't read this
list to keep up with recent development, without digging to tons of
FUD, insults and other crap.
I personally came to the conclusion that it is best to simply ignore
all mails from certain people (hint: Most of them were forcibly
retired and work on an alternative package manager and a certain
dokument where they try to set gentoo standards from the outside.)
I found out, that you loose nearly nothing by completely ignoring these people.

What especially makes me sad is, that there are so many people here
feeding the trolls. (And yes, sometimes I can't even hold myself back)

In a perfect world, it, would be enough to look at one side of the thing. (Yeah, maybe in a perfect world, there would be no need to deal with stuff like this.)

But this isn't a perfect world.
So please don't make the mistake an go through this only reading it the way you want to see it.

The problem with that kind of threads normally is, that people on both(!) sides would rather cut their leg off than admitting, that the other person might be right. (Not judging who was right, I have my opinion about it, but you might already know that.)

Yes, there have been personal insults, but again on both sides and I would rather have hoped, that this wouldn't have happened.
But again, this wasn't a one-side matter.

You mention "tons of FUD". That is a really strong phrase and to be honest, I didn't see FUD from the Paludis folks. There was some mess about this Pkgcore bug, but that wasn't actually FUD, but the truth, which unfortunately turned into a really ugly thing.
(And maybe got more attention than it deserved.)

Now I guess that someone will reply to me, that this is off-topic on this list, which obviously nobody will answer you.
But keep it low, no need to start over again. ;-)

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