On Mon, 2008-07-07 at 15:33 +0000, Duncan wrote:
> excerpted below, on  Mon, 07 Jul 2008 10:10:14 -0400:
> > Here's an interesting solution for those who find it annoying though:
> > Just file your own 0-day bump request in bugzilla. In theory some users
> > would find this and just CC themselves on it. Other users could be
> > shushed with the shame of the DUPLICATE. Everyone wins!
Just picking a random one to reply to...

As stated by the gnome herd - most of them are on the mailing lists, and
for packages that I maintain, I tend to be on upstreams mailing list as
well.  While for the most part, 0day don't extremely bother me, the
deluge of mail can be overwhelming at times (even using filters) 47
mailing lists including seperate folders for bugs that are specific to
me, my herds, and other herds I am interested in, and playing catch up
to all of that after 12 hours of work can get troublesome.  Occasionally
though, there are the packages that I have that don't have a mailing
list, and its nice to know that there are users out there that actually
a) use them and b) know that there is a bump before I do.

So, really, if upstream has a mailing list/announces a 0 day is
unwarranted, if not, then by all means please do.  

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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