On 04:03 Tue 08 Jul     , Andrey Grozin wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jul 2008, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
>> I actually object to having crap in dev-python, because things should be
>> categorized functionally instead of by the language they're implemented
>> in. 90% of the time you don't care about the language. But category
>> moves are pretty much pointless, so I don't normally bring it up.
> Then this particular case belongs to the other 10% :-)
> It is not really important for a user if a library is written in C or  
> fortran, because he can call it from his own programs written in any  
> language. But python modules are only useful for somebody who is going to 
> write his own python code and import them.

Right, sure. Here's the way I see it: chances are that someone realizes 
they want to write a scientific application, and then look to see what 
libraries are available to write it with, instead of deciding they want 
to write some sort of library for an unknown purpose using Python and 
then say, "Hey, I think I'll do something scientific."

> sci-libs/scipi and dev-python/scientificpython are two competing projects 
> which have practically identical aims and descriptions. Do you think this 
> is logical?

Logical? Not particularly. Does it matter, when considering the costs of 
moving packages in CVS and how search tools work? Not particularly.


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux
Blog: http://dberkholz.wordpress.com

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