On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Robin H. Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Sorry that it's taken this long to get completed, but the Jeeves
> replacement, Willikins, is finally 99% done, and ready to join lots of
> channels.
> Getting the bot out there
> -------------------------
> If you would like to have the new bot in your #gentoo-* channel, would
> each channel founder/leader please respond to this thread, stating the
> channel name, and that they are the contact for any problems/troubles.

#gentoo-dev-help: I can be the contact.

> Bug reports
> -----------
> Please open a bug in the Gentoo Infrastructure product, using the
> 'Other' component, and assign it directly to me.
> Custom bot functionality:
> -------------------------
> Here's all the functionality that we have assembled, beyond the standard
> rbot stuff.
> Bugzilla
> ========
> !bug [ZILLA] ID
> Looks up bug #ID in the per-channel default or specified bugzilla.
> !bugstats [ZILLA]
> Totals of bugs per the bugzilla 'status' field.
> !archstats [ZILLA] [STATUS] [RESO]
> Totals of bugs per architecture, optionally with some specific set of
> status or resolution values, comma delimited.
> zilla = gentoo xine sourcemage redhat mozilla kernel fdo abisource
>        apache kde gnome
> If you want another bugzilla, file a bug.
> Gentoo-specific
> ===============
> !meta [-v] [CAT/]PACKAGE
> Print the metadata and optionally herd members for a given package.
> !changelog [CAT/]PACKAGE
> Changelog stats for a package
> !devaway list
> List all away developers.
> !devaway DEVNAME
> Display .away message for a single developer.
> !herd HERD
> Show herd members
> !expn NAME
> Show the expansion of any public Gentoo mail alias
> !glsa GLSAID
> Shows the title and external IDS for any given GLSA ID.
> !earch [CAT/]PACKAGE
> Earch output for a given package
> !rdep [CAT/]PACKAGE
> Reverse RDEPEND for a given package
> !ddep
> Reverse DEPEND for a given package
> What isn't supported yet
> ------------------------
> 1. !glsa -s TEXT
> This used to search for GLSAs that matched that string in their title or
> external IDS.
> 2. New bug announcements
> Jeeves used to announce brand new bugs to #gentoo-bugs as well as
> targeted channels or users, depending on the product, component,
> assignee, cc and a number of other factors (deeply nested if/else
> trees). The old implementation had this in code entirely, and it would
> be nice to avoid having to modify the code whatsoever, and instead have
> some domain-specific language for doing this.
> Source availability
> -------------------
> Gentoo specific:
> http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/rbot-gentoo.git
> Bugzilla support:
> http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/rbot-bugzilla.git
> (flameeyes has his own tree as well, but he's been sick lately, so it
> was lagging behind my development)
> Right now, if you want to run your own instance of the bot, you will
> need the latest Git tree of the rBot itself, as upstream only fixed the
> last remaining issue a couple of hours ago.
> Thanks to
> ---------
> solar:
> Running the old Jeeves Eggdrop till now, and helping to document all of
> the Eggdrop functionality we used.
> flameeyes:
> Bugzilla plugin development
> halcy0n:
> Gentoo-specific stuff
> tango_, jsn-:
> (rbot upstream developers) For fixing the bugs as I found them :-).
> --
> Robin Hugh Johnson
> Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
> E-Mail     : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> GnuPG FP   : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED  F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85

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