On 09-11-2008 18:04:05 +0200, Peter Alfredsen wrote:
> +     # If this is a non-ELF system, chances are good that the .la files will 
> be needed.
> +     if type -P scanelf &> /dev/null

I think this is a not so cool way to check for an ELF system.

> +     then
> +             debug-print "Scanelf found, proceeding..."
> +             ebegin "Removing useless .la files"
> +             find "${TARGET}" -name '*.la' '(' -type l -o -type f ')' -exec 
> rm -f '{}' '+'
> +             eend 0
> +     else
> +             debug-print "scanelf not found, this appears to be a non-ELF 
> system."
> +             debug-print "non-ELF systems are likely to need .la files."
> +             debug-print ".la files not removed from ${TARGET}"


Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level

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