On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 11:21:24 -0800
Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 01:44 Tue 09 Dec     , Federico Ferri wrote:
> > today I hit this annoyance, because my laptop hung in the middle of
> > an 'emerge -e @world' (checking that my world set compiles with
> > gcc-4.3... stopped at ~ 300 of 700  :S )
> > 
> > I was looking for an entry in /var/db/pkg/<cat/pkg>/ that could have
> > told me the compiler used to build the package, but couldn't find
> > any. indeed it would be a fairly useful feature to have, both for
> > testing purposes, and for user's everyday maintenance.
> > 
> > please criticize this with anything constructive you can think of.
> As I mentioned on IRC, I think this isn't a very general use case
> (given the existence of --resume, --keep-going, etc.) so code to
> accomplish it would be better put into a custom portage bashrc than
> into portage proper.
> ISTR that you could no longer resume for some reason. Perhaps what
> you really wanted was a way to save the resume list across multiple
> emerges?

For the given use case it might also be an option to use the AgeSet
handler in portage-2.2, e.g.
   emerge -p '@old{class=dbapi.AgeSet,age=2}'
to list all installed packages that have been installed more than two
days ago.


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