Angelo Arrifano wrote:
> On Qua, 2009-02-04 at 18:36 +0200, Petteri Räty wrote:
>> Angelo Arrifano wrote:
>>> # Copyright 2008 Gentoo Foundation
>>> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
>>> # $Header: $
>>> #
>>> # Authors:
>>> # Rene Wagner <>
>>> # Ned Ludd <>
>>> # Angelo Arrifano <>
>> Should use eclass-manpages syntax.
> Thanks, fixed on next revision
>>> #GPECONF=""             # extra configure opts passed to econf
>>> ELTCONF=""              # extra options passed to elibtoolize
>>> DOCS=""                 # documentation files to be installed with dodoc
>> If other eclass that comes before in the inherit hierarchy and sets
>> DOCS, do we want to override it?
> Yes, we want. If we will make dodoc die by default like you proposed
> below, DOCS must be explicitly set by each ebuild sourcing any common
> DOC provided by the eclass.

This makes little sense to me. The checks there makes sure that DOCS is
non empty.

>>> [ -z "${GPE_MIRROR}" ] && export 
>>> GPE_MIRROR="";
>>> [ -z "${GPE_TARBALL_SUFFIX}" ] && export GPE_TARBALL_SUFFIX="gz"
>> Is there a binary called that makes use of those two?
> Yes, some packages uses bz2 but most of them gz. Ebuilds fetching bz2
> from the default URI will use both.

If only the eclass/ebuilds use these variables, then there should not be
an export statement here.

> Stripping is problematic when cross-compiling. I'll do some more tests
> to figure out the best way. Although, we are doing this for a long time
> now and it works. IMHO, changing things in the last "hour" usually leads
> to breakage.

Stripping is removed in your src_unpack so that variable probably does


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